girls hanging out

Period Tracker

Periods normally arrive once a month (every 28-30 days). But for many women it isn’t an exact science. Predicting the precise date and length of your next period is sometimes tricky. That's where our period due date calculator comes in. 

The date when you began your last period and you had continued bleeding (rather than just spotting)

When did your last period start?

Take a rough average of how long it's lasted over the last three months

How long does your period usually last?

The time between the beginning of one period and the start of the next – take a rough average

How long is your cycle?

Your cycle

  • pre-period
  • period
  • post-period
  • peak ovulation
  • Pre-Period The days before your period when PMS may rear its ugly head – learn how you can ease the symptoms

    Period When your cycle kicks into action and bleeding starts with your womb lining being shed

    Post-Period Your bleeding should have stopped by this point, but you may still have a very light flow

    Peak Ovulation It's at this point when one of your ovaries releases an egg and you may have increased discharge

The results from our period tracker may not be 100% accurate and that’s because every body and every cycle is different.

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